






3/1 17時 ~ 3/5 9時


February Invoice Submission Deadline,
March 4th @ 4pm PST

Feb 27, 2020

**************February Invoice Submission**************

Your invoice will be open for submission on the 1st of the following month services have been completed. If you are ONLY working projects that are SELF REPORTED you can submit your invoice on the 1st.

If you are working on AUTO GENERATED PROJECTS, data for the last dates of every month are uploaded on the 1ST BUSINESS DAY (MARCH 2ND) starting at 5pm PST, please wait to submit your invoice until all of your auto generated hours have appeared.

All projects must be billed on the same invoice as only 1 invoice can be created per month (Self-reported projects and auto generated projects). You can’t create multiple invoices for the same month.

Submitting your invoice too early or missing projects will cause significant delays and/or incomplete payments that can no longer be corrected. Please carefully review your invoice before you click submit.

ONLY if you agree with all of your times then you should submit your invoice for processing NO LATER THAN MARCH 4TH, 2020.

Invoices submitted after this date and time, 3/4/2020 @ 4pm PST are considered late and risk not being included on the pay cycle date of the 13TH of March. Yes, this does include projects that are not auto generated in a timely manner. We have made several requests to all project teams to ensure accuracy with the uploads for generations and approvals, so that you, the user, can submit your invoice on time, and us in the Finance team can start processing efficiently to ensure payment is made on time.
Key points to understand:
1. Task data is uploaded by project teams, not the Finance team. – We do not have access to client tools to verify time.
2. If you see something wrong with your invoice please create a ticket, select the project so that your inquiry is forwarded to the correct project department for review. Please be specific by providing dates and times missing, don’t just provide a total amount of hours. If your ticket is sent to Finance to dispute generated time we will forward it to the project team. Only necessary to send 1 ticket regarding the same issue. Sending multiple tickets only back logs the project queues.
3. There will be 3 auto invoice generations for February tasks before invoice submissions are due, 1st on March 2nd 2020 at 5pm PST, 2nd on March 3rd at 2am PST, 3rd on March 4th at 12am PST. – The 3rd generation is for any corrections that take place for invoices already submitted but not yet approved.
4. Please do not submit tickets stating you submitted your invoice on the 1st and it hasn’t been reviewed yet. Invoice approvals will start on Wednesday March 4th at 5pm PST. That does not mean you will see approvals right away; it only means the process has started.
5. While we strive to ensure timely approvals/corrections, this is not always possible. Yes, there are several unique situations that we try to account for that may truly be internal employee issues (data not uploaded on time); others are users not submitting invoices on time.
a. Example 1: You click submit on your invoice on 3/4/2020 but don’t check to see it was truly submitted. Then you log in to check status and realize it was never submitted so you submit it again on 3/10/2020 but still expect payment to be sent on the 14th (which will not occur). After initially clicking submit on your invoice ALWAYS go back to your invoice tab to ensure the status truly states submitted. Please do not write to us to say you submitted on the 4th because there is no system log that we see different from what you see on your end.
b. Example 2: If you submit/re-submit your invoice on 3/5/2020, it is not guaranteed that your invoice will be paid out on 3/13/2020 as 3/5 is after the cutoff time posted above. For self-reported projects please make sure that you are not over invoicing for more time than allowed. Please review your project productivity and invoicing policies. Overbilled invoices will be auto rejected. We can only provide you with the NET30 payment terms outlined in the policies. Submission/Re-submission of 3/5/2020 would mean you can expect your payment by 4/5/2020.
6. We understand everyone has a unique situation, and we will continue working hard to ensure that we can do our part to communicate with project teams and process invoices submitted in a timely manner for payment by the 13th. We appreciate the hard work that you do as independent contractors!

⇩⇩ 簡単に内容を訳しておきました ⇩⇩

  • 2月分のインボイス(働いた時間分の給与支払い請求)提出は、 セルフレポート式作業だけ参加の方の場合は、3月1日に可能です。
  • 自動で作業時間が計算されるAutoGeneratedProjectsの場合は最終日のデータがロードされるのがPST(太平洋標準時間)最初の営業日17時
  • つまり今回の場合、日本時間3月2日の朝10時に計測が開始するので、その後に作業時間が可視化するまでは提出が出来ません
  • 全てのプロジェクトは月ごとに1インボイスのみの請求です。
  • インボイスを早く出しすぎたり、作業報告が間違えていると遅れの原因になります
  • 太平洋時間(PST)3月4日の16時までには必ず提出してください。
  • この時間に間に合わなかった場合は、支払いの遅れに繋がります。
  • インボイスに間違いがあればチケットを送ってください




具体的には本文中盤の「NO LATER THAN MARCH 4TH, 2020. 」以降の文章です。









※ 報酬の支払日はこちらの記事で確認出来ます。





